Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Personal Statement My Personal Experience - 2253 Words

The purpose behind this paper will cover my individual experiences getting into the ranks of a Non Commissioned Officer in the midst of my road to transform into a Command Sergeant Major. This paper will serve as a noteworthy report giving positive records of my journey in the mission of boosting my dream and gold to attain the top. This paper will address the positives and the learning experiences I take away as I climb the ladder as a Non Commissioned Officer in the military. It will in like manner depict my part in the midst of this enterprise. To spare the paramount estimation of my experiences, an organized understanding in the midst of this period will contain do’s, don ts and lessons learned. My personal experience as a Non Commissioned Officer in the military and my growth as a Non Commission Officer, my career started on 25 March 1988, it all started with my lifelong dream of being a Soldier. My next-door neighbor was a Sergeant in the Army, every day when he got home, I would sit and chat with him, I was no older than eight years old, I remembered him, saying, â€Å"Curtis, I can tell you will join the service in ten years from now, because every day you produce different questions regarding the military.† Trust me this was every single day would be a series of questions prepared for him when he gets home. I must say that he was the most patient man I had ever met in my life because not once has he ever get tired of me asking him questions, as far as I canShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement : My Personal Experience866 Words   |  4 PagesMy passion is to help others who have been in abusive relationships and because of my personal and professional exper iences, I believe I possess the abilities to make a difference in someone’s life. The combination of my experiences had provided me important skills necessary to have a career in the helping field. 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